
HEJ PR loves communication. We offer press and public relations, social media communication, marketing and sales campaigns, project management and event organization.

HEJ PR brings cultural events to the media – from an analysis of the relevant subject areas, a well-founded communication strategy to complete implementation and a comprehensive, fully integrated PR!

“From the very first ideas and dreams, we work out a strategy together – for a successful and appealing brand communication. Including overall marketing concepts, dossiers, PR schedules, editorial calendars and marketing tools tailored to meet the respective needs. Our specialty is media relations for the performing arts, live events, festivals, and design. Our passion belongs to the theatre, cabaret, comedy, dance, concerts (rock, pop), festivals, product and furniture design, visual arts, readings, gastronomy and lifestyle topics. We offer editing, conception, social media communication, cultural marketing, cultural ticket sales strategies and event management”.

HEJ PR works with agency-own mailing lists, which are constantly revised and expanded. We work with a network of qualified specialists and have long-standing and very good contacts to media houses, printers and providers of indoor, outdoor and online advertising.

Depending on the size of the project, HEJ PR expands the team with the necessary expertise such as graphic artists, web designers, photographers, video editors, copywriters … Depending on the size of the project, we extend our team accordingly to offer an all-round carefree package for our partners and clients.

… our services in detail

PR Consulting

Marketing Consulting

– Strategy and content development 

– Roll-out plans 

– Launch in national leading media, regional and local media, popular magazines, tourism, special interest media as well as international media with corresponding topic relevance (print, TV, radio, online)

– Support in social media activities (strategy development and implementation)

Marketing Consulting


-Strategie- und Content-Entwicklung | Proaktive Pressearbeit
– Redaktionskalender
– Lancierung in Fachmedien, überregionalen Leitmedien, regionalen und lokalen Medien (Print, TV, Hörfunk, Online (inkl.Blogs) Publikumszeitschriften, Touristik, internationalen Medien bei entsprechender Themenrelevanz
– Organisation/Moderation von Pressekonferenzen
Konzeption/Beratung von Podiumszusammenstellung
– Künstlerinterviews
– Erstellen aller Presseunterlagen inkl. Basistexte, Kurzmeldungen, Hintergrundinformationen, Akkreditierungsunterlagen, Foto- und Bewegtbild- Material Trailer für Online-Kampagnen (und Dokumentation) inkl. Factsheets undFotocredits / Produktionscredits
– Unterstützung bei Social-Media Aktivitäten (Strategie-Entwicklung und Umsetzung)

Sales Consulting

Sales Consulting

– Strategy and content development 

– Roll-out plans 

– Launch in national leading media, regional and local media, popular magazines, tourism, special interest media as well as international media with corresponding topic relevance (print, TV, radio, online)

– Support in social media activities (strategy development and implementation)

Event Management

Event Management

– Development of event concepts

– Production management (and implementation)

– Commissioning of other trades

– Obtaining permits

– Acquisition of cooperation partners

– Development and implementation of customized communication concepts